S210 - Digital Art Portfolio
Project One - Adobe Photoshop
A New England
For project one, I created three images created using Photoshop. They depict a futuristic cyberpunk mega-city that overshadows the old way of life that came beforehand. I was inspired to combine the aesthetic of old new England and coastal oil paintings and the bright neon lights of futuristic societies.
Project Two - Adobe Premiere Pro
Melting Memories
For Project Two, I created a time-lapse video of candles melting that I then manipulated in Premiere Pro to create different effects with the footage. My grandmother's kaleidoscope collection inspired me, and I wanted to emulate that same effect digitally with the candle footage.
Project Three - Unity
Living in a Ducky Duck World
For Project 3, I created a three dimensional play space confined within a two dimensional black and white world using Unity. For the walls and floor I created original artwork, a rural landscape where one side exists a simple house and on the opposite side a massive factory.
Project Four - Cables
Football Frenzy!
For Project Four, I created an interactive game space inspired by the ongoing World Cup. The mouse is used to control a soccer ball icon to navigate through the players moving on the pitch to score a goal. Once the ball reaches a goal, it lights up bright green, and the scoreboard flashes for the corresponding team where the goal was scored.
© 2022 by Amy Bushman.